Murray Wenhardt’s Tribute to Jim
August 31st, 2009 |  Author: admin
Jim and I grew up on Kirk Crescent together and went to Greystone Heights, Evan Hardy, and the U of S at the same time. Our families were close, as the three Underhill kids and the three Wenhardt kids were all around the same ages plus or minus five or so years. There were many families on Kirk with kids in the same age range, and we are all friends to this day. Some of the families included the Goplens, Walshes, Moes, Youngs and many more.


I have many memories of Jim. He was a great skier, a great sailor, a great…..fill in the blank. He was great at anything he undertook, and he undertook a lot of things throughout his life. He also had a great mind. I am not sure but I think he may have had a photographic memory, if he did; he was too modest to admit it. With that great mind he was able to excel academically, while at the same time pursuing his other passions outside his medical studies. This work life balance was something he took into his adult life as well as anyone I have ever known, balancing parenting with making a living and having some fun all at the same time.


He was an unbelievable doctor. My mother and all her friends thought Jim walked on water, not just because of their visits with him, but because of the house calls and phone calls etc. after he had seen them at the office or the clinic. I don’t believe that the house calls and phone calls were a normal part of most Doctor’s practices. HE CARED AND IT SHOWED!!!!!!, Thanks Jim.


Personally, Jim did at least two large medical favors for me:


In our youth, while he was still in medical school, we were at a party where I had the unfortunate experience of taking a wine bottle to the head. He looked at me and told me that when I got to the emergency room, not to let anyone touch the cut over my eye, except the On Call Plastic Surgeon. I took his advice, and I received around 190 stitches just over my right eye, (it was a deep cut). To this day, people have to look twice to see it……thanks Jim.


A few years later, I made an appointment to see him, (sort of a back door appointment), after work one afternoon. I was in his chair and within minutes, he diagnosed me with a detached retina, and DROVE me to the hospital where I had surgery a few hours later, to correct the problem. Jim then drove over to my mother’s house to inform her of what was going on and to put here at ease re the surgery.  Had I not seen Jim, I would in all likelihood have lost a good portion of the sight in that eye……..thanks again Jim!!!!!
Sometimes people would just show up at his home on Sask. Crescent Seeking medical assistance. In one instance a friend of ours had a shard of glass or a nail in his eye, and he drove to Jim’s house to see if he could help him. Jim took care of it……….thanks again Jim!!!!!!


I am sure there are hundreds of “thanks again Jim”, stories like this if not thousands.


Jim Underhill was an exceptional human being in so many ways. It is safe to the world was a better place with him in it. He lived life large and made a significant contribution to the community he was a part of.


It was an honor to know him, and an honor to know the entire Underhill family.


Jim did more living in 50 years than most ordinary people do in a lifetime; but Jim was no ordinary person. Thanks again Jim, you will be missed by everyone.

Murray Wenhardt


Bret Donnelly’s Tribute to Jim
August 13th, 2009 |  Author: admin
From: bdonnelly@XXXXXXXXXXXX
Subject: Jim Underhill
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:49:31 -0600
Mr. Jim Underhill is a very kind and warm man.


I met Jim through my wife Janice and my brother Greg. I am always guarded by a man of your father’s success, some of them have an “air” about them, but not once did your father appear to be above myself, my wife and or my kids.


He always had a smile on his face when he greeted Janice or I. He was exactly who he was………a very nice man always willing to help.


I have a quick story:


I had a stroke in December 2007 and I had to go back to the hospital to have the hole in my heart closed the following year. When I came out from the surgery something happened to my eye, it was irritated and Janice called your father. He told Janice he would be right down to look at it, this was a Friday night. After discussion we finally got Jim to agree he didn’t have to come up but he gave me a prescription (I think you probably know what the prescription was) and had it sent to my hospital room immediately. Two drops and my eye was fine.


Another thing he did going above and beyond what he had to……it was very nice of him to do that.


Your father is a very nice man………we have nice memories of him, I trust this warms your heart.

Bret Donnelly


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Latest Entries From the Legacy Guestbook
August 3rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
August 2, 2009


We would like to extend a heartfelt sympathy to the entire Underhill family and feel truly sad for you.
Tom and I had known Jim since our teenage years through his sister Beth, we knew Jim as a doctor and finally as a parent at soccer games and highschool functions. Always with his kids and always a smile on his face … I know he will be truly missed, but know he will always be watching over you all… We are sorry…
Jennifer and Tom Speed

Jennifer and Tom Speed,


July 30, 2009
Jim fitted me with my first ski’s as a kid working in the Ski Shop in the early 70’s. I got to know his mom, sister and father when I took Medical Lab Technology in 1974. There is NO ONE I trusted more to do my families eyes. He was brilliant and most down to earth. Anyone who had Jim as a friend was very fortunate. I feel sad to know that we have lost such a gift to this earth. Those lucky Angels ….
Dr. Lawrence Reimer,
Swift Current, Saskatchewan



July 30, 2009
Our Thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Jim was special and will always be remembered that way.
Sherman Pearce,
Kelowna, British Columbia

July 29, 2009
I was blessed to have my eyes done on the Sat.and returned to see Dr. Underhill on the Sun. I am very thankful for my time with him. I have been praying for your family at this time of great loss. May God’s comfort and blessings keep you always.
Yorkton, Saskatchewan


July 29, 2009
We were sorry to hear that Dr. Underhill had died. He operated on my father-in-law’s eye when no one else would. As a result, Ignatz, was able to see for the last year and half of his life. It gave him great enjoyment to see his granddaughter and the crops in the field. He was able to play cards and watch sports on TV. This increased his enjoyment in life and made such a difference. Thank you for the difference you made in his life. The Ignatz Wack Family


July 28, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.


July 28, 2009
It is with a very sad heart that I send this message to Jim’s entire family. Jim was a “Miracle Maker” & a “Kinderd Spirit” He always made you stop and take note when he entered a room. For everybody that had the chance to know Jim… we are all Blessed… for those that did not get the awesome opportunity to meet Jim…. take the time to meet his amazing wife Jenny & Jim’s 5 wonderful children. They are his legacy. Jim’s entire family are God’s gift left to us.


I am so honored to know this family. Jim had a saying w/ me that brings a smile to my face everytime I think of him… it is a quote that Gene Simmons would say at the beginning of his TV show (Gene Simmons Family Jewel)… and it totally captured Jim’s sense of humor…I would say to Jim as we would end yet another amazing conversation -” And….That’s why it’s good to be”…. & Jim would answer…(as he pointed his little finger in my direction – with a wink)… “ME!”


I am a better person because I have a friend like Jim Underhill!
Jim… May you always know how much you are LOVED & May God Keep you and your family.. Safe in His Pocket.
Dana A. Case,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

July 27, 2009
Dear Catie and family;
Our deepest condolences and prayers to you and your family.


We’re so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad, we have a very special memories of him, he was always smiling and very proud of all of his children.


Our love to you Catie

Brad Opheim (Gaby, Ashley & Josh)

Brad Opheim,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 26, 2009
I was an anesthesiologist at City Hospital for almost 20 years and knew Jim from the day he arrived. He was such a delight to work with. He was full of energy, had a great sense of humour and was technically a great surgeon. I was also his patient and he always had time for a chat in his office. We shared many stories of skiing and holiday trips.


I was very sad to hear of his sudden and untimely death. Please accept my sincere condolences on your great loss.
Angela Enright,
Victoria, British Columbia


July 26, 2009
Our deepest sympathy to all of the family.
Jun & Evelyn filoteo,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 26, 2009
Jim was one of the kindest and caring doctors we will ever know. He always had a smile on his face and his sense of humor would lighten up the room.


He was my sons opthamoligist. He treated his patients with such easiness and he knew how too make them feel comfortable. He was a gentle soul

carol cummings,
saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 26, 2009
We were devastated to hear of your tragic loss. Our deepest condolences to Jenny, the children and all of Jim’s family. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.
Nickie & George Vlavianos,
Calgary, Alberta


July 26, 2009
My thoughts are with you at this time of loss. I too share fond memories of sailing with Jim during the summers of our youth at Emma, Redberry Jackfish lakes.
Our thoughts are with all of you.
Alistair Crocker,

Alistair Crocker,
Toronto, Ontario


July 25, 2009
We have known the Underhills since Jim was three years old. He became a wonderful man from a wonderful family and will be deeply missed by so many. Our heartfelt sympathy to you all.
Darry and Jeff Child, Sandra and Stephen.


July 25, 2009
Throughout High School, College and professional practice, Jimmy was always a great friend. He was always interested in your well being.


My sincerest condolenses to Marilyn, Ted, Beth, John and his family. He will miss them as much as they miss him.

Brian Peterson,

Kelowna, British Columbia
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Entries From Legacy Guestbook
July 25th, 2009 |  Author: admin


July 27, 2009
Dear Catie and family;

Our deepest condolences and prayers to you and your family.


We’re so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad, we have a very special memories of him, he was always smiling and very proud of all of his children.

Our love to you Catie

Brad Opheim (Gaby, Ashley & Josh)
Brad Opheim,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 26, 2009
I was an anesthesiologist at City Hospital for almost 20 years and knew Jim from the day he arrived. He was such a delight to work with. He was full of energy, had a great sense of humour and was technically a great surgeon. I was also his patient and he always had time for a chat in his office. We shared many stories of skiing and holiday trips.


I was very sad to hear of his sudden and untimely death. Please accept my sincere condolences on your great loss.
Angela Enright,
Victoria, British Columbia


July 26, 2009
Our deepest sympathy to all of the family.
Jun & Evelyn filoteo,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 26, 2009
Jim was one of the kindest and caring doctors we will ever know. He always had a smile on his face and his sense of humor would lighten up the room.



He was my sons opthamoligist. He treated his patients with such easiness and he knew how too make them feel comfortable. He was a gentle soul
carol cummings,
saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 26, 2009
We were devastated to hear of your tragic loss. Our deepest condolences to Jenny, the children and all of Jim’s family. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.
Nickie & George Vlavianos,
Calgary, Alberta


July 26, 2009
My thoughts are with you at this time of loss. I too share fond memories of sailing with Jim during the summers of our youth at Emma, Redberry Jackfish lakes.
Our thoughts are with all of you.

Alistair Crocker,
Alistair Crocker,
Toronto, Ontario


July 25, 2009
We have known the Underhills since Jim was three years old. He became a wonderful man from a wonderful family and will be deeply missed by so many. Our heartfelt sympathy to you all.
Darry and Jeff Child, Sandra and Stephen.


July 25, 2009
Throughout High School, College and professional practice, Jimmy was always a great friend. He was always interested in your well being.



My sincerest condolenses to Marilyn, Ted, Beth, John and his family. He will miss them as much as they miss him.
Brian Peterson,
Kelowna, British Columbia


July 25, 2009
Jenny, it wasn’t until today after the memorial goodbye for Jim that I could put anything in words…Your family and the Greek community showed us that, like all the celebrations of our lives, grieving and healing must be done together. Thank you for sharing memories of Jim with us. We will hold all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Linda Langille,


July 25, 2009
We were so sorry to hear the sad news. Our thoughts are with his beautiful family.
Duane and Laurie (Beeson) Fandrey
The Fandreys,
Washington, District of Columbia


July 25, 2009
We are sorry to hear of Jim’s tragic death. He touched the lives of many by his skill as physician and compassion.


He was a leader in Saskatoon and will be missed by all.


Our deepest sympathy and prayers to his family in this difficult time.
Jawed & Zeba Akhtar,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 25, 2009
We were saddend to hear about the sudden and tragic loss of Dr. Underhill. Our thought and prayers are with you during this extremely difficult time. Forever he will be in our hearts and memories.


Gus and Helen Kounougeris
John and Kathy Kounougeris
Calgary, Alberta


July 25, 2009
My sincere condolences to the family,friends and many colleagues of Dr Jim.
In my profession,I had the honor of working closely with him and was able to see first hand what an incredibly gifted surgeon he was.His cerebral approach , combined with his gifted hands,elevated him to a level that would equal any of the top eye surgeons in the World.


As everyone else has commented,his down to earth warmth , his wonderful smile and his ability to make everyone feel special were other attributes that are not normally associated with someone as successful and accomplished as Dr Jim.


This is truly an enormous loss for the family and everyone else that came into contact with this rare human being.
Mike Southard,
Sherwood, Oregon


July 25, 2009
I have known Jim about 20 years. He had a gentil smile whenever I saw him and he never failed to show pride in his family. Jim will be missed as a freind and as a gifted eye physician.
Moe Elbardouh,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 25, 2009
Marilyn, Ted, Beth, John, Jenny, Wanda and Families


Our day was one of sadness and reflection filled with wonderful thoughts and memories of Jim and your families.


But also remembering the joy and curiosity with which Jim lived and embraced life to the fullest.


And how he touched everyone who was fortunate to have known him.


Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all.


Wesley Wenhardt and Paula Fairweather
Vancouver BC


July 25, 2009
I grew up with Jim and Beth on Kirk Crescent. Jim worked for my Dad Bud Smith setting up machinery at Suburban Supply. I think that was his first job, he was part of the set up crew. He was a very funny guy always kept us laughing.Alot of good memories of Kirk Cres, Greystone Heights and Evan Hardy School days are brought to my mind.We grew up with so many good neighbours. My sympathy goes out to the Underhill family
Keith Smith,
Clavet, Saskatchewan


July 24, 2009
my family and i wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to you and your family, both my mother(pota),and my late father(george)were patients of dr.underhill,he will be sorely missed.
tonia karahalios,
saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 24, 2009
My heartfelt sympathy and condolences to all of Jim’s family! Especially his parents who I often encountered while they were walking all through the Greystone Heights neighborhood for many years.


My memories of Jim are as a classmate at Greystone Heights elementary school and then as an exemplary human being whose good works I would read about or hear about during our adult lives. These memories are not particularly specific to Jim’s actions but rather they imbue a sense of well-being and a sense that good things are being accomplished in this world. I will miss Jim’s influence on the community and world around him as well as the anticipation of what he would do next.


Jim brought much care and goodwill to many people and it feels as though he is gone much much too soon.
Kevin McDuffie,
Vancouver, British Columbia


July 24, 2009
Jim always had such a gentle smile and demeanor about him. His talent in the community will be sorely missed. He was a gifted eye physician that we as a family were able to benefit from. We will remember him for his great zest for life and his love for his family.
Gerry & Jan Griffiths,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 24, 2009
Dear Marilyn and Ted,


I am so sorry for the sudden and untimely loss of your son Jim.


As you know, I knew Jim from his and his family’s visits with Beth, so, really only fleetingly.


I have read every word of the heartfelt and glowing tributes that began pouring in with the first news of his death and am filled with a sense of wonder at the number of lives he touched with generosity of care, compassion, kindness, fun and laughter.


My deepest sympathy and love are with you now and in the months ahead.

Anne J Brown,
Calgary, Alberta


July 24, 2009
We are filled with profound sadness and left heartbroken. There really are no words just prayers and thoughts of Jim’s family. We wish you strength, courage, love & happiness.
Claude & Charlene Hardenne,
Cobourg, Ontario


July 24, 2009
Our deepest condolences to the Underhill family. Jim was a great friend and mentor to Ronan.
Sincerely, The Conlon Family in Goderich Ontario.
Patrick Conlon,
Goderich, Ontario


July 24, 2009
I have the best memories of Jimmy from high school, where we shared a locker for awhile, laughed together, teased each other, and were Garnet house leaders for the Student Council.
Those times seem like yesterday.
Although we haven’t been directly in touch, Jim always asked about my brother David and myself when our dad was in for his checkups. Again,from afar, he made me smile.
Thinking of all of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Kim (Turner)Jacobsen,
Flemington, New Jersey
Contact Me


July 24, 2009
I was saddened to learn of the tragic death of Jim. The community has lost a highly respected physician and citizen.


The Underhill family and the Ledingham family relationship goes back close to sixty years. Jim’s father and my father were work colleagues. My family were near neighbors, and Jim, Beth and John were students at Evan Hardy Collegite during my tenure there.


Lately, as the aging process catches up with me , I was booked to see Jim as a patient. That this will not occur is of deep personal and professional regret.


I extend my deepest sympathy to the extended Underhill family at this difficult time
Alan Ledingham,
Canmore, Alberta


July 24, 2009
We’re so sorry to hear about the loss of Jim. My younger brother Bob and I grew up in Greystone Heights with Jimmy and Beth respectively. We were also very proud of Jim as he returned to Saskatoon to practice. Our mother was one of his patients and he cared for her like it was his own Mom!!
We will be praying for the entire family.
Cam and Deb Burron
Chandler, AZ USA


July 24, 2009
Dear Claire and Family;
Please accept my prayers of condolence in the passing of your father and loved one.
Ariel Sanders,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 24, 2009
In addition to our grief in the loss of Dr. Underhill from this life, I feel intense gratitude to him for his successful cataract surgery on the eyes of both my mother and myself.


Helen Savostianik, Saskatoon, Sk


July 24, 2009
Jenny, please accept my heartfelt condolences. The love you shared was so obvious, and a wonderful thing to behold. I hope as time goes by, you will take comfort in the many happy memories and in your children’s eyes.
Rod Salloum,
Vancouver /Saskatoon


July 24, 2009
The world will miss you Jim. You truly were a special gift to so many people.
My thoughts and prayers are with all the family at this most difficult time.
God Bless.
Angela Dunn,
Swift Current, Saskatchewan


July 24, 2009
I had the opportunity to get to know Dr. Underhill through a devasting eye injury, went to see him everyday for weeks..without his dedication and talent i would not have an eye today! He will soarly missed by many. Prayers to Dr.Underhills family & Friends..he will deeply be missed.


July 24, 2009
On behallf of myself and my husband Curtis, we send our heartfelt condolences and prayers to Jim’s family, his wife and children, on the tragic loss of a wonderful person, doctor and friend. I grew up with Jim on Kirk Cresc and had the pleasure of knowing him. His family lived across the back lane from my family for many years. He was also my eye doctor. Jim always greeted us with a big smile, a kind word, and a zest for lilfe. He was a very talented and compassionate man who helped many people and loved life. Our prayers are with his family, God bless his family. God bless you Jim. We will miss you. Our world lost a great person.


Remembering you, Dawna and Curtis Dube-Veitenheimer
Dawna Dube-Veitenheimer,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 24, 2009
Jim was a really good guy! Although he did not know it, he was an integral part of my life in Saskatoon. Everytime I encountered Jim, he always met me with a warm smile and a nice hello, he was always, “Jim”. .
His children should be proud of the fact that their father was so well thought of. He was an outstanding human being, a well respected doctor and an accomplished surgeon. My thoughts and prayers go out to Jim’s children, his family and to his wife, Jenny. Jim, rest in peace, the world has lost a good one.
Shane Jackson,
Chicago, Illinois


July 24, 2009
Jim, as I knew him then, will always bring back happy memories about great days at school. I remember Jim from the Greystone Heights days, specifically with Mrs. Lawton as our Grade 5 teacher, as one of the best classmates I ever had. He could keep the entire class amused while he charmingly broke most if not all of the teacher’s rules. Then, when it was time to read out exam results (as it was done back then), Jim was always one of the first names read out for high marks.


May all of Jim’s family find peace in the future knowing that Jim was a fabulous person right from the very start. God bless.

Susan Lang (Hicks)
Susan Lang,
Regina, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Our Thoughts, Prayers and deepest sympathy to your family and friends on your tragic and untimely loss! Chris and Jayna Tarasoff Osler SK


July 23, 2009
Dr. Underhill performed laser surgury on me 8 years ago. Considering I was almost blind without glasses, he performed his miracle with humour and care. My wife and I send our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family. God Bless.
David and Sharon Tkachuk,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear about this tragic accident and the loss of your husband Jim. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time.
Diane Pontikes,
Montreal, Quebec


July 23, 2009
Dear Justice Hughes and Family,

On behalf of the over 100 members of the Calgary Criminal Defence Lawyers Association (CDLA) I would like to pass on our deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother.


It is clear from my reading of the condolence letters in the StarPhoenix Guest Book and the local press reports in Saskatoon that Dr. Underhill had an immense impact on his community as a doctor, a citizen and a friend to many. His legacy will not be forgotten.


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.


With the greatest of sympathy,
Michael Dinkel,
Calgary, Alberta


July 23, 2009
My wife Vickie and I have been in absolute shock since learning Monday of the sudden passing of Jim. I have known Jim since his undergraduate years, have been a patient since he started his practice in Saskatoon, considered him a friend as well as a most qualified ophthalmologist. The community of Saskatoon has suffered a great loss. Our hearts go out to all the family in this the most difficult of times. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.


Bob Miller, BSP
former VP of Medical Affairs
Saskatoon City Hospital
Bob Miller,
Edmonton, Alberta


July 23, 2009
I was so sorry to hear of Dr. Underhill’s sudden passing. While I have not worked with him, since he was a resident, I cared for the older 3 children out at the Quest (camp) 4-5 years ago. My prayers have been and are with you, as you grieve the loss of your dad.
Jan N., R.N.,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Our deepest sympathies go out to the Underhill family.I was truly fortunate to have Doctor Underhill do cataract surgery on my eyes. He made me feel like I was the only person there. I can only imagine the depth of your loss. Our prayers are with you.
Gordon Carson,
Regina, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
I first met jim in high school and we became good friends.I was very saddened by this tragic news.We lost touch over the years until recently. We made a committment to get together when i’m in saskatoon and share “old stories ”


I’ll always remember jim’s sense of humour and his compassion for others.


My deepest sympathy for his family.
Jim Rudrum,
Edmonton, Alberta


July 23, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.


July 23, 2009
We have many fond memories of Jimmy and the time he spent with our brother Dr. Brian Peterson at our home on Dalhousie Cres. We want to express our condolences to his family. A life well lived will long be remembered.
Joan Janzen Barbara Arling,
Swift Current, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
If all the stories, from those of us who were fortunate to have known Jim, were put together, we’d have an enormous portrait of a rare, remarkable, warm-hearted individual, exceptionally gifted and giving… and gone too soon.


With heavy hearts and prayers for family,
Ed, Edna, Terri, Charles, Sue Sebestyen, Saskatoon


July 23, 2009
I remember Jim when we were young kids growing up in Greystone Heights area. I knew him through his sister Beth. I moved away early in high school and did not see Jim again until I started working at City Hospital. I was one of the Nursing staff that worked on the 3300 Unit where we looked after many eye patients. I looked after many of Jims patients over the years and found he was the type of Doctor you hope all other Doctors would model themselves after. He was kind, compassinate, had a good sense of humor. I also remember asking how Beth was doing one time and he just started to beem. He couldn’t say enough about how proud he was of her acomplishment of becoming a Judge. We also would talk about our families. To his kids, he was so proud of all of you. Every time he spoke about any of you, he would get this twinkle in his eyes and the biggest smile. I swear if the lights went out he could have lit the room up with his eyes and smile when he spoke about all his kids. To all of Jims family and friends my thoughts and prayers go out to you. May all the memories help you through the years to come.
Bonny (Walker) Hoffman,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss. We will miss seeing Dr. Underhill at the New Years Eve celebrations we all shared in over the past several years. Dr. Underhill corrected my vision with LASIK surgery several years ago, a truly life changing experience which restored much more than my sight alone. Through his God given surgical skills and the grace of a trouble free recovery, I experienced healing not just to my vision, but to emotions stemming back to a childhood of being taunted and tormented.


May God grant peace and rest to Dr. Underhill for all the good he has done while here on earth, and comfort and healing to his family as they walk through this time of deep sorrow.
God Bless and Keep You
Richard & Shelly Smith,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Jenny, Eva & William and Catie, Claire and Teddy,
My thoughts with are you at this deep time of sorrow. My world was rocked when my brother informed of the news. Between tears I have been thinking of the many good times with Jimmy as the leader.


I am currently out of the country and will not be able to join on Saturday and deeply regret not being there. Pls know my thoughts are with all of you.
Bart Donnelly,


July 23, 2009
How very sorry we are. Jim was exceptional in every way . He chose a demanding medical field and attained a most unique mix of skill and compassion while providing so many with the gift of sight .
To Jim’s special family – may God bless and keep you always.
Lori Booth & family, Saskatoon,Sask.


July 23, 2009
My deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to the family and friends of the late + James H, Underhill.
Vladimir Kolpakov,
Yorkton, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Underhill family. So sorry for your loss!
Rick Anderson,
Porterville, California


July 23, 2009
My 88 year old mother was a patient of Dr. Underhill for years. She recalls that on one of her visits to him she said ” I haven’t seen you for awhile, I think you’re getting younger looking” to which he quickly replied ” I think you need your eyes checked.”


I was in Kelowna when I saw on T.V. that a “prominant Saskatoon eye surgeon was killed”. I knew immediately that it was Dr. Underhill.When I phoned to tell my Mom, she was shocked and saddened. On behalf of my Mom, sincere sympathy to all of Dr. Underhill’s family. He will be missed.
Brenda Zdunich,
Regina, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Jenny, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of sorrow. Jim’s contributions of time and effort to the Greek community cannot be replaced. Our most sincere condolences to the entire family.
Georgia and Bruce Boechler (Bezbes),
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Our love and prayers are with you and the family in your time of sorrow. We send our sincere condolences.
Jo & Geoff Harris,
Victoria, British Columbia


July 23, 2009
Dr. Underhill cared for me and my husband with kindness and compassion. He will be missed with love and fond memories.
Margaret Cloak,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Jenny & Family
I am so sorry for you loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you
Lynda Ferguson-Thiesen,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Dr, Underhill performed my Lasik surgery and changed my life! I remember during the short time I spent with him that he was truly a caring doctor who took the extra few minutes to explain the eye to you. In my experience, only doctors that have a true passion for their career do this. He was an example to many other surgeons and will be truly missed.
Christine Sommerfeldt,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Jim’s family, friends and colleagues.I met Jim almost 30 years ago one Sunday in his office as he took the time to treat me on his return from out of town. We met many times over the years for my continuing condition and at many of the functions in town. He always asked how things were going and our parting comments was tongue in cheek “I hope not to see you at the office.”
He always found time to treat his patients with dignity and caring and he will be sorely missed by all.
Norm and Carol Clark,
Clemmons, North Carolina


July 23, 2009
We have only known Jim and his many talents and caring generosity through his parents and a wonderful holiday in Mexico this year. Nevertheless we learned quickly to appreciate him and the great loss to the whole world as a result of this tragic accident.
Our sincere condolences to the whole family.
Gwyneth & Tom Thompson,
Victoria, British Columbia


July 23, 2009
I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kari Soroski,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
I was a school mate, in Regina, of Dr. Underhill’s father, Ted.
My sympathies to the Underhill family.
Dick Irvin,
Pointe Claire, Quebec


July 23, 2009
We are saddened to hear of your loss. Our Deepest Sympathy goes out to the Underhill Family.
The Ferner’s,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 23, 2009
I am only one of thousands that are a living legacy to the brilliance of this truly gifted surgeon. Dr. Underhill’s passion for his profession and his genuine love of life were always evident when I was in his presence. His untimely death has left a gaping hole in his profession, his community and certainly his loving family. My most sincere condolences too all.
Susan McArthur,
Watrous, Saskatchewan


July 22, 2009
I’m so sorry for your loss, Dr Underhill was a one of a kind doctor who made a huge difference in the lives of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
D Chantler,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 22, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with your family in this difficult time. Not only was Jim an amazing Doctor he was also a wonderful man. He will be greatly missed.
Mackenzie Firby,


July 22, 2009
On hearing of the tragic news of Jim’s passing we send
our deepest sympathy to his wife and family.

Margaret Zelko and Family Melville,Sask.


July 22, 2009
The world has lost a beautiful soul. His memory will live on forever. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who were blessed to know him.

Peace and Love.
Gregg, Sandra, Katelyn, Avery and Brogen Cochlan,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 22, 2009
I am shocked and saddened to hear about the death of my old university friend. My deepest sympathies to his family. Peace be with you.
Linda Love,
Dominican Republic


July 22, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of grief and tragedy. Jim will be missed by family, friends, colleagues and community.
Doris Stein,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 22, 2009
The first time I met Jimmy I was 2 and he had just turned 3.
Jimmy was surrounded in his life growing up by wonderful people. Ted and Marylin and Beth and John, but also a neighbourhood of wonderful young families with stay at home moms that encouraged the kids of the neighbourhood to roam and be kids.


The last time I saw Jimmy was at Jean Wenhardt’s Celebration of Life and we reflected back on how lucky we were to have grown up in that neighbourhood, surrounded by such outstanding people. My heart goes out for all that knew Jimmy and were touched by him. His family his friends and the many thousands of people that he touched through his profession. Many of us that knew Jimmy moved away and unfortunately many that knew Jimmy have also passed away. But the people who grew up on and around Kirk Crescent will be some of the many that miss him the most. These people know what I am talking about it – was a magic time. Families like the Goplen’s, Walsh’s Wenhardt’s,Young’s Dube’s, King’s, Champ’s, Hughe’s just to name a few as there were so many. And my heart goes out to Ronnie Young who just lost his longest running friend. So many of us have moved away from the neighbourhood but Jimmy stayed on and looked after so many from the neighbourhood including many of the parents that helped shape our lives as we grew up. Jimmy will truly be missed. He was a one of a kind. I am very proud to be able to say I grew up in that wonderful neighbourhood surrounded by some of the finest people including none finer then Jimmy.

Keith Crone
Keith Crone,


July 22, 2009
I was so very saddened to hear of Jim’s accident and sudden passing. I was fortunate to be a friend of his sister Beth, and went through high school and University with her. Whenever we were over at the Underhill’s, Jim was always there – with his warm smile and twinkle in his eye. I ran into Beth in Calgary a while ago, and she could not stop talking about how proud she was of her little brother. I don’t think any family could be more proud than your family is of you, Jim. Beth – my heart breaks for you, your family, Jim’s wife and children. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Dona Perreault (nee Miller)
Edmonton, AB
Dona Perreault,
Edmonton, Alberta
Contact Me


July 22, 2009
Sadness fills our hearts on hearing this tragic news. The world will surely miss him. We only knew him on a professional basis but his warm manner shone through. God bless the family and help them through this heart breaking time.
Valerie Risling,
Scott, Saskatchewan


July 22, 2009
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Dr. Underhill’s death. He was a wonderful, competent and meticulous surgeon who gave many people, including me, the gift of sight. My deepest sympathy and prayers go out to Dr. Underhill’s family and to all of the families affected by this tragic accident.
Wendy Edwards,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 22, 2009
Jim had flown to celebrate the dedication of our brothers church – just as he had been at each and every single event, celebratory or otherwise involving the Greek community for the past several years.
His journey home, ended in this tragedy – will forever be in our minds along with the memories in our hearts. The past several days have been filled with our family reminiscing and marveling over Jims presence in so many people’s lives, it’s incredible to read in the paper, so many philanthropic acts, and it hasn’t even touched what just our community has witnessed – such a generous heart.
From basting the lamb on a spit, to helping with family’s medical issues, to cleaning tables at Folkfest, to organizing a charity dinner – he was unstoppable!
Such fun was had at his 50th birthday party not quite a year ago – again, it was incredible to see the love in that room on his special day.
Our hearts are breaking for all of Jims family – words cannot express our sorrow…
You will be forever in our hearts – never forgotten.
Genevieve and Manolis Barlas and Family
Genevieve and Manolis Barlas,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
We were stunned and deeply saddened to hear the tragic news about Jim. To Jenny, his children and the rest of his family, please accept our heartfelt condolences. Jim was a very special man and we feel honoured to have known him. May God give you strength during this difficult time.
Kleo and Victor Hut,
Calgary, Alberta


July 21, 2009
Our sincerest sympathy. Such a great loss to his family. Jim did eye surgery on my husband and myself; and how fortunate we were to know him. I will pray for his family. He is sorely missed. Dave and Shelley Elder


July 21, 2009
May his last flight be his best.
Sandy Crevolin,
Malahat, British Columbia


July 21, 2009
Our sincerest sympathy. Such a great loss to his family. Jim did eye surgery on my husband and myself; and how fortunate we were to know him. I will pray for his family. He is sorely missed. Dave and Shelley Elder


July 21, 2009
To all of the Underhill family I sincerely express my heartfelt thanks for the opportunity of knowing Jim through his medical training. He was a wonderful person and I am thankful for knowing him.
Daphne Tkachuk,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

July 21, 2009
We were saddened to hear of Jim’s passing. It is in times of great loss that we most need our family and friends around us. You are all in our prayers.
Karon & Shawn Murray,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
I was very saddened to hear of Dr. Underhills passing. I met Jim a few years ago when he did my eye surgery. My deepest sympathy goes to his family and to all who was forturnate to know a great person. He will very sadly missed.
Adele Ward,
Leroy, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
My sincere sympathy goes to Jim’s family, friends, and his colleagues. He will be sorely missed.
Heather Penner,
Winnipeg, Manitoba


July 21, 2009
I had the good fortune to know Jim when we were young, before he became the local doctor/philanthropist that he is today. When his little yellow OPAL roared around the eastside, and we skied as a group of teenagers at Banff and Big Mountain, Montana. Wally Kost and Ken Young also skied with us, and have passed on far too young.


I drove Triumph TR6 and Jim subsequently had a Fiat Spyder and he told me recently that he wanted to get another one as he missed driving that Fiat.I hope he had time to make that happen?


He always had time for his old friends, even if it was once a year at the B’na Brith dinner or on the street. An all round great guy, and far too young to die.


My sincere condolensces to his family, and his wife and children during this terribly unfortunate time.
Ian MacKay,
Calgary, Alberta


July 21, 2009
We are all shocked! We send our deepest
sympathy. Thinking of you all in this time of sorrow.

Brett Helena Sarah Rebecca Hart


July 21, 2009
Many years have passed since we all sailed together but we were so saddened to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you.
The Olenius Family


July 21, 2009
Please accept our condolences for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Penny Korolis Wihnan,
Medicine Hat, Alberta


July 21, 2009
Jim was a solid, dependable gentleman. We were so fortunate that he dedicated his talent to the people of Saskatchewan. Jim will be greatly missed.
Elisabeth Foucault,


July 21, 2009
Our prayers and deepest sympathy go out to the entire Underhill family. I hope the fond memories of Jim will help you all through this dificult time.I know Eleanor will miss working with him.In her words,the most considerate person she has ever worked with.He will be missed.
Jack & Eleanor Ferwerda,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
Deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Dr. Underhill. My you find comfort in the knowledge of the many lives he touched.
Terry Russell,


July 21, 2009
We were so sorry to hear of your loss. The thoughts of many are with you at this time of sorrow.
Trakadas Family,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
We are shocked and saddened at the news of Jim’s passing. Whether it was looking after my parents or recently helping out,with the Greek dinner for the Eye Centre at City Hospital; he was a caring member of our community. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of Jim’s family and associates.


Steve Shannon and family


July 21, 2009
Our sincerest and deepest sympathy goes out to Underhill Family.
Jane Ilinon,
Leduc, Alberta


July 21, 2009
My thoughts, hopes and prayers are with all those close to Jim Underhill. I am terribly saddened and shocked by the tragic accident that claimed his life. I had the honour of knowing Jim when he played polo and I was able to help excercise his horses and go to some tournaments. Those are some of the fondest memories of my youth.


May all those close to him find comfort in celebrating his life and embrace his ability to live life to the fullest with care and compassion.
Andrea Zwarich,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
My prayers are with the family at this sad time- Dr Underhill will be missed deeply.
Eye Care Centre-City Hospital
Wendy Hamonic


July 21, 2009
Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Mcdonald’s Filipino Workers,
Leduc, Alberta


July 21, 2009
I just wanted to say how much I appreciated the care and kindness and wisdom of Dr Underhill, he will be missed. May God be close to you all, you are in my prayers.
Gaylene Knutson,
Elbow, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.


July 21, 2009
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.


July 21, 2009
Far to often in life we are left asking the question why. This is certainly one of those times without question. We all know that Jim was a wonderful doctor but I think his true legacy will be that he was an even better person. I recently ran into Jim while travelling and it was nice to catch up in the brief conversation we had. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families effected by this tragic event.
Ken Wasden,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
Jim’s dedication to excellence, ambition, community spirit and involvement were exemplary and inspirational. It’s shocking to hear the sad news. My thoughts are with Jim’s family.
Dave Stark,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family, friends and colleagues of Dr. Underhill. My family is forever grateful for his compassionate care and determination in helping our mother through a very difficult eye disease a number of years ago. We will remember him fondly and hold his family in prayer through the difficult days ahead.
R. Thompson,
Regina, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
My sincere and heartfelt condolences to Jim’s wife, children, family and friends. He was a great guy ever ready to share a laugh, his time and energy and his considerable expertise. This is a very sad a devestating loss for us all.
Seth Adams,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
My deepest and sincerest sympathy goes out to Dr. Underhill’s family. I only knew Dr. Underhill from when he did my eye surgery, and from that experience alone I got to meet an exquisitely genuine, caring and phenomenal doctor. He will be deeply missed by all whose lives he touched.
Angela Wallace,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


July 21, 2009
My deepest sympathy goes out to Jim’s family, friends, and colleagues. He will be greatly missed by many communities and this speaks to the balance he had in his life.
Garth Styles,
Winnipeg, Manitoba


July 21, 2009
I’m at a loss for words and can only offer his family my condolensces. Your father, husband, brother was an amazing person. I had surgery 2x and he was always smiling, relaxed and a true person who you could relate to. I will forever remember the photo of your family in his office with all of you in jeans. Help eachother through this tragic loss. My heartfelt sympathies during this difficult time.
P. Szautner,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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Remembering Peter Kontogiannopoulos


July 24th, 2009 |  Author: admin
Peter Kontogiannopoulos 1945-2009 It is with profound sadness the family announces the tragic accidental death of Peter Kontogiannopoulos which occurred on Sunday, July 19, 2009. Peter will be lovingly remembered by his wife, Georgina; son, Constantine (Nikie), grandson Angelos; daughter, Alexandra; mother, Alexandra in Greece; brother, Nikos (Maria) and their children, Alexandra and Athena in Greece. Peter will also be dearly missed by brotherin-law, Chris Ridis; sister-in-law, Helen Popadopoulos; and numerous nieces and nephews. Peter was born December 25, 1945 in Lygourion, Greece. He immigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1969, later relocating to Saskatoon where he worked for many years in the carpentry trade. Funeral Services will take place today, Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 3:30 p.m. at Koimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church (8th St. and Dufferin Ave.) followed by interment in the Greek Orthodox section of Woodlawn Cemetery. A reception will follow at the W.A. Edwards Family Centre (333 4th Avenue North). The service will be celebrated by Rev. Fr. John Nikolaou and Rev. Fr. Michael Michael. Condolences may be sent to [email protected]. Arrangements have been entrusted to SASKATOON FUNERAL HOME 244-5577. Share photos, videos and more with Legacy Memorial Websites. Find out more.

Posted in Remembering Peter Kontogiannopoulos |  No Comments »
From: Gormley Show July 20 2009


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
Click this link to listen to the announcement made by the Gormley Show

Gormley Show July 20 2009

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FROM: Star Phoenix July 22 1009


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
Plane crash deaths affect city’s Greek community 1809347


Saskatoon’s Greek community is coping with the shocking deaths of two of its most well-respected members following Sunday night’s small plane crash at Kamsack.


As condolences and tributes poured in Tuesday over the news that prominent local eye surgeon Dr. James Underhill was the pilot killed in the accident, relatives and friends of 63-year-old Peter Kontogiannopoulos were also mourning.


Rev. Fr. Michael Michael, parish priest of the Koimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church on Dufferin Avenue, said both men were active in the church community.


“It’s more like a family,” he said in an interview. “I’m sure nobody ever expects anything like this.”


Michael said some of his parishioners regarded Kontogiannopoulos “as a brother, as a father, as a really, really dear friend to them. He was with us for the longest time. He was always happy. He never put anybody down, he would always push to go forward.”


Four men were inside a small-engine plane that suddenly crashed after takeoff at the Kamsack airstrip at around 9:30 p.m. Sunday. They were flying back to Saskatoon after attending a dedication service followed by a barbecue at a new private church built by one of his parishioners near the town of Endeavor, Michael said.


Kontogiannopoulos “was enjoying himself, he was having a really good time,” he added.


“And then it was time for him to come back to Saskatoon. It happened so suddenly. We’ve got to stay strong. I know he wanted us to live our lives to the fullest and to be happy and praise God always.”


A friend of both deceased men confirmed Kontogiannopoulos’s identity in an interview with The StarPhoenix.


Bill Barlas said the two injured passengers who escaped from the wrecked plane before it caught fire are Tony Antonopoulos and George Liakopoulos of Saskatoon.


Barlas said both survivors were released from hospital after they were treated for cuts and bruises, but both are still in tremendous shock from the experience.


Kontogiannopoulos leaves behind his wife, Georgina, son Nikie and daughter Alexandra, as well as a grandchild and numerous other relatives. He immigrated to Canada from Greece in 1969 and worked for many years as a carpenter.


Memorial plans for both men were said to be underway Tuesday, but had not been made public as of press time.


Transport Canada is investigating the cause of the plane crash.


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From: John Gromley


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
Thoughts on Jim


I used to joke that Jim Underhill and I grew up in parallel worlds.  We were close in age – one year apart — our Dads were doctors, we both sailed, ski raced and grew up within 130 kms of each other.  Yet, although I’d heard of Jim, I never met him until returning to Saskatoon in the late 1990s.


2003BoysTrip Whistler(2)From occasional social interactions at first, to finally rating an invitation to the annual “Boys Ski Trip”, our friendship grew.  We enjoyed one another’s company, socialized together and I valued what it meant to be around him.


Thinking of Jim so many things come to mind.  Here are a few:


He was a walking encyclopedia that didn’t act like one.   From the latest (and often arcane) details on technology, sports, politics or the state of super-Tuscan wines, there was nothing that Jim seemed not to know.  As someone who researches for a living, I was often stunned by the font of information that was Jim.  But he never came across as anything other than a guy, fuelled by curiosity, who loved a good conversation …. and he had plenty of things to talk about.


Jim had a fundamental decency and kindness about him. And it shone through, whether he was in the midst of busily juggling a dozen things or sitting quietly alone with someone.  It was as if Jim had all the time in the world – asking of life, family or whatever was on your mind.  Sensitivity and compassion permeated everything he did.  Lifelong friends, new acquaintances and patients alike would all remark how he cared and he remembered.  And I cannot remember a conversation with Jim that didn’t emphasize the positive.  His optimism and positive outlook on life were infectious.
Jim’s sense of humour was also catchy.  From his smooth baritone voice – a much bigger voice than the little guy it came from – he would pause, eyes twinkling and then make a wry observation.  And as jokes often go, growing and expanding as people start building on them, Jim would – after a conspiratorial glance – bring the joke to an end by making it funnier, more complete and beyond the reach of anyone else to one-up.
The memories of Jim are fragmented, like a kaleidoscope of jumbled, mixed up and warm thoughts.


There were the casual encounters, chatting in Calories as we did the week before he died or on any of our regular weekend visits at the Broadway Café or when bumping into Jim going for walks with Jenny or the children.  There were also the longer visits – the wonderful parties thrown by Jim and Jenny or the delightful (and late) “name days” dinners at Manos, where Jim showed off his essential “Greekness”.


I knew Jim as a friend and skiing partner but knew little about his professional reputation until my youngest daughter made the decision to get laser eye surgery.  Today, years later, she still talks of his attention to detail, consummate professionalism and compassion.


There were the times that Jim did clinics in Melfort and would call my radio show to vent on various issues as “Jim in Melfort”.  I thought the caller was very entertaining but didn’t have a clue until much later that it was our Jim.


It seems like only yesterday, sitting in the hot tub at Whistler, that I teased him about the dubious choice of buying a 1970s-era recreational vehicle with his partners in the venture, Greg and Wes.  Called the “urban assault vehicle”, this RV was to be a grown-up boys’ clubhouse.  As I questioned the choice – in part wondering why he’d buy something that would need a new transmission every year – Jim looked at me, paused, and somberly intoned “my friend, you are a dream stealer.  That’s all you are”.


And, from his limoncella recipe — the one he explained in detail and then showed me how to upload on my Blackberry – to the warmth and affection that I remember from our friendship, this good man will occupy a huge space in our lives and hearts forever.


Jim was never afraid to hug his friends and tell us that he loved us.   And we love him.  That’s what makes saying farewell so difficult.


– John Gormley

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From: Kent Code


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
My name is Kent Code and I first met Jim in 1982. Jim and I shared a love of skiing and that was a bond that allowed us to spend a lot of time together. We made many trips to Fernie in my old van and spent lots of hours together on chair lifts chatting about our goals and dreams and about what we like to do. Over the years our conversation changed and focused on our families and the love of doing stuff with our kids and sharing some of the things we loved.


We continued to travel with The Underhills on trips to the mountains and my kids have very fond memories of


Jim helping them on their way to share “the love of skiing”. We spent hours talking about raising children, relationships, sailing, and always about our next adventure. Jim introduced me to the sport of Polo, and to an abundance of interesting people. Jim was always available to talk when you called and always made time for others in his busy life. I am so thankful to know him and continue to admire him from afar.


What amazed me the most about Jim was the love that Jim had for both his family and friends. How he could get people together not only to enjoy his company and that of his family , but how we all came together as a group of families enjoying ourselves together in a large group . Young and old the activity never excluded anyone. I will always remember the fun we had together as friends, and as families. My friend Jim was truly a great man. His love for his family and friends was so evident you could not help have some of that rub off on you. It sure did on me.


Thanks Jim.


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From: Tony Antonopoulos


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
Please know that since Jim’s marriage to Jenny he, literally embraced our Greek community and everything that our culture has to offer. As he became more and more involved in many of the activities and events/projects for the Greek Community of Saskatoon all of us quickly realized what a unique and special individual he was. Jim as most people that knew him know, met every challenge head on.


I distinctly remember getting a call from him at 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon and him telling me that he was on a federal government website and that the federal government was offering grants to organizations like ours to allow for old buildings like our church to become wheelchair accessible. The catch was that we had to prepare and file the grant application in by the next day. He had already arranged for a contractor to come to the church at 4:00 p.m. to provide us with a quote that was needed as part of the application. What is intriguing and interesting about all of this is that we were in the midst of preparing for and getting ready for this big fundraising dinner with the City Hospital Foundation the next day. So we met at 4:00 at the church with the contractor and then after supper to fill out the grant application (20 pages) plus. Part of the process required letters from different people to support such a project so as we where writing up the proposal Jim would be on his cell calling people to get the letters and proper documentation. At the same time, members of the organizing committee for the fundraising dinner came by and worked with Jim and I in putting the finishing touches together for that event.


Talk about the ultimate in multitasking, Jim was an expert on that. Not only did we manage to get the grant application in on time by the next day, many that attended the “Ouzopalooza” event would agree that it was a first class event and because of Jim’s hard work and effort the event raised over $30,000.00 for the hospital. I know that right now Jim is in heaven and if he has his way he is pulling some strings to see to it that our church gets full funding from the federal government to make it wheelchair accessible.


Jim was the type of person that made all those around him feel at ease.


He could relate to everyone at all levels as his knowledge on all matters was uncanny.


He was a person that loved to experience everything that the Greek culture had to offer and that is why he chose to attend the festival and commemoration of the small church Prophet Ilias in the community of Preceville.


After landing in Kamsack and we were picked up by Chris to drive to Preceville, Jim and Chris became engaged in a conversation that seemed that these two knew each other for years, yet they had just met. I’m thinking that here’s one of the leading ophthalmologist in the country speaking about size of motors/horsepower, type of fuels, crops, cattle, buffalo herds, (meteorology) weather patterns. Things that obviously where of interest to Chris and I.


At Preceville Jim was at ease as he socialized with many of the Greek People that attended this event and very quickly became intrigued by the way that the pig had been prepared that was on the spit being barbecued as that is something he had not done yet. He had done the lamb but had yet to do a pig like that.


Speaking of lamb on the spit. My nephew George tells me the story of when Jim invited him and his brother Greg to visit him and Jenny at Easter. When they got there, Jim had the lamb already roasting on the spit. When he offered them a taste they refused because they just had a big supper. Jenny and her mom thought that the real reason for them refusing to eat the lamb was because it was being prepared beside his old garage in the back. Next time that Jim saw George and Greg he told them that that was the last time that they where invited to his house as their last visit cost him upwards of $30,000.00 . He was told in no uncertain terms that he had to renovate the garage. I guess Jim didn’t realize as all Greeks know that lamb tastes better if roasted in a brand new garage.


It is difficult to fully express in words the true nature of a person like Jim. The only way to fully comprehend as to what a special person he was is to have know him personally. I feel truly blessed to have done so. His memory will live with me forever.


Tony A . . .

From: Ross and Trona Wheaton


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
Our memory of Jim will be of a kind friend who was genuine and giving with loyalty that we all should admire.

-Ross and Trona

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From: Greg Donnely


July 23rd, 2009 |  Author: admin
3Bros3My name is Greg Donnelly and I have known Jim since 1983. Your dad Jimmy invited me to your home when we were in our 30’s and I had just moved back to Saskatoon from Banff where he called me every time he came skiing. The kids were young (Catie, Clair and Teddy) and very noisy…Jimmy made me feel at home, he told me all about his life and friends and family. I had not known him very well until then. Jimmy was so calm with the “busy” kids it amazed me and he had so much cool stuff in his house and driveway etc. When we sat in his den we talked of many things and everything he said was positive, upbeat and optimistic. He had already done so much and had so many plans I was amazed.


When I walked home that night in 1994 I said to myself. “That is a great man, I hope we remain friends and I want to be like him, he is so positive it is contagious.”


This just the first of hundreds of ways Jimmy made me see what makes a man great. I have come to know many other great men. Most of them are friends of Jims and are in awe of him.


The reason we all loved him so much is because he loved life and all of us so much.


Yours truly,


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Star Pheonix July 21 2009


July 22nd, 2009 |  Author: admin

Saskatoon eye surgeon one of two killed in plane crash in Kamsack
Click here for more


SASKATOON — The death of Dr. James Underhill in a plane crash Sunday has left his family, friends and patients mourning the loss of a skilled and compassionate eye surgeon who was always ready to lend a hand.


“There was nothing that he wouldn’t do for anybody that he knew, either medically or personally, both in his family, his church and his business,” said Dr. James Kerr of his friend and colleague.


The pair worked together on the board of directors of the Horizon Laser Vision Center where Underhill, who was president of the board, performed an array of eye surgeries.


Underhill, 50, died Sunday when the small plane he was piloting crashed at the Kamsack airport shortly after its 9:30 p.m. take-off.


“Dr. Underhill, he’s just a leader in the community, a phenomenal surgeon, an excellent cataract surgeon, an excellent laser surgeon, a great businessperson, a great friend, very well-connected in the community — it’s just a devastating loss,” Kerr said.


The father of five children not only made a professional impression on the city where he practised as an ophthalmologist for 20 years, but helped to build the community through his dedication to numerous charitable organizations.


Well-known Saskatoon philanthropist Leslie Dube said Underhill was always an active and generous participant when it came time to donate to worthy causes.


“He left the Earth so young and he had so much to give,” Dube said from Calgary.


“If he just could have been around for another 30 or 40 years, could you imagine what he could have done for the community?”


The news of Underhill’s death hit especially hard at the Saskatoon Health Region, where he had been a member of the department of ophthalmology since 1989, becoming department head in 2004. Health region staff remember Underhill as a talented doctor and friend who was able to strike a balance between his professional and personal life.


“His skills as an ophthalmologist were respected not just here in Saskatchewan but internationally,” stated Dr. David Poulin, the health region’s vice-president of medical affairs. “Staff are devastated to hear of his death. I have been hearing from people all across the region all day expressing their shock and sadness.”


The plane crash also killed a 63-year-old man from Saskatoon and injured two more men from the city, aged 30 and 54 years old, who are being treated at the Royal University Hospital. The name of the second man who died and the names of the survivors have not been released.


According to the national Transportation Safety Board (TSB), the four-passenger plane that crashed at the town airport was completely destroyed by a post-collision fire.


“It was a Piper Malibu that crashed on takeoff en route from Kamsack, Sask., to Saskatoon. Two of the occupants, unfortunately, were fatally injured and the other two occupants were seriously injured and the aircraft was destroyed by the impact and the subsequent fire,” said TSB spokesperson John Cottreau.


Two TSB investigators are now at the scene of the crash searching for clues about the cause of the collision. Cottreau said the investigators are gathering data at the scene and hope to interview the two survivors and any other witnesses to the incident.


There likely isn’t a flight data recorder — also referred to as a black box — on the plane, he said.


“Normally there would not be a black box on a plane this size,” Cottreau said. “They’re not required for private aircraft, they are required for larger commercial aircraft; and this, I think, is probably a private aircraft.”


According to RCMP, the plane taxied to the south end of the runway and took off heading north. Soon after take-off, police say the plane encountered unknown difficulties and crashed to the ground where it caught fire, trapping the two men who died.


Cottreau said the investigation into the incident is ongoing, but there is no estimated date for the release of the findings from the incident.

[email protected]





At, comments came pouring in following the news of Dr. James Underhill’s death. Here’s a sampling of reader postings from our website.


“This is a very sad day not only for Jim’s family but for his so many friends and patients. We extend our most sincere condolences to his family and we will keep him and all his loved ones in our prayers.”

– Leslie and Irene Dube


“We are so very sorry for Jim’s children and family. He was a very special man, a true gentleman, a man with rare generosity of spirit. How special we will recall the time we shared with Jim.”

– Michael Stensrud


“He was a family friend of mine. Although I didn’t know him exceptionally well, I still feel such a deep pain for him and his family, his kids and his wife. It’s just a horrible thought . . . I would never have thought he would’ve been one to go.”

– a loving family friend.


“This is very tragic news. Dr. Jim Underhill did our dad’s laser eye surgery in Saskatoon and he did an awesome job. He was a loving and compassionate surgeon who put his patients first. We cherish our friendship and times we shared together. A very talented eye surgeon and great person. He will be greatly missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. He was an asset to the community of Saskatoon.”

– Dr. Nawal Sharma


“He was such a great surgeon, one of the top eye surgeons in all of Canada and such a nice person. He did my eye surgery two years ago and it changed my life!”

– Angela


“You could always count on Dr. Underhill to crack a joke at the most unexpected times. He was gifted, caring, dedicated and always loved Saskatchewan. He will be missed so so much.”

– Caroline B


“Dr. Underhill’s death has sent a shock through our community. He was a gifted physician, a community leader and a true philanthropist.”

– Arla Gustafson


“Dr. Underhill did my eyes two years ago. He is a gifted person (who) will be missed. . . . The news was shocking. I had tears in my eyes.”

– Shelley Campbell


“Jim’s amazing kind spirit will live on. He will be dearly missed.”

– Kelly


“As a fellow aviation enthusiast and high school classmate of Jim’s, this comes as sad news.”

– Cas Wolan Jr.


“It’s exactly a year tomorrow that Dr. Underhill did my laser eye surgery and he did an awesome job. I’m so grateful for this gifted surgeon, who was used by God, to give many of us back our vision!”

– Anjali Sethi


“Our condolences to his family.”

– Dr. Renuka Prasad


“Words cannot explain the loss of Jim Underhill. A loving and compassionate surgeon who put his patients first. I cherish our friendship and times we shared together.”

– Dr. Adam FitzPatrick


“Jim was a gifted physician and a wonderful person. Thank you for the privilege of knowing him.”

– Daphne Tkachuk


“My mom owes her sight to this man.”

– Kelco


“Jim was a founding member of the Saskatoon Polo Club and an excellent player. He will be missed.”

– Vikram Misra


“Dr. Jim Underhill was an amazing person and an extremely gifted surgeon. He will be greatly missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.”

– Dr. Dorothy L. Barrie


“A fantastic and loving surgeon. I just had my cataract surgery two weeks ago. He did 17 surgeries that single day. Saskatoon and the world will greatly miss him.”

– Premalatha Ranganathan


“Dr. Underhill was a wonderful person. He will be terribly missed.”

– Dr. M. McLaughlin


Underhill, age 50, was flying the plane. He and a 63-year-old passenger were pronounced dead at the scene.


A 30-year-old man and 54-year-old man were taken to Saskatoon’s Royal University Hospital. They suffered serious injuries, according to a Transport Canada official.


Town officials declined to comment on the crash, referring calls to RCMP.


Kamsack is located roughly 81 kilometres northeast of Yorkton.


Transport Canada has been advised of the crash and will continue investigating.


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Newstalk 980 Article


July 21st, 2009 |  Author: admin
Prominent Saskatoon Doctor Dies In Plane Accident
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Piper Malibu goes down on take off at Kamsack

Reported By David Kirton


Posted July 20, 2009 – 10:11am
Well known Saskatoon laser eye surgeon, Dr. Jim Underhill, and one other man have died in the crash of a small airplane at Kamsack.


News Talk Radio has learned the 50 year old Underhill, who was one of the main players in the establishment of Horizon Laser Vision Centre in Saskatoon, was piloting his owner Piper Malibu.


It took off from Kamsack on a flight to Saskatoon around 8:30 Sunday night.


But Peter Hildebrand, Regional Manager of the Transportation Safety Board says the plane went down and hit the ground, “There was a fire described after the aircraft struck the ground.”


Four people were on board.  A 63 year old passenger also died. Two other men; 30 and 54 years old; have been taken to Saskatoon’s Royal University Hospital with unspecified injuries.


Hildebrand says TSB investigators are on their way and should be on site to begin the investigation today


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